Welcome to the My First Academy employee benefits website, powered by The Meehan Agency.  My First Academy provides you access to a full benefits portfolio that includes all of the traditional voluntary employee benefits coverages.  Simply review the information on this webpage and click the button below to schedule your time to meet with a Benefits Counselor.  Our Benefits Counselors are ready to communicate, educate and explain your coverage options.  They will review your individual needs and help you build a custom benefits plan.

There are several methods available for you to review the benefits being offered to you and your family:

  • Benefits Guide – provides a general overview of the available coverage options
  • Policy Specific Brochures – provides a more detailed look at each policy type
  • Videos – provides general information on coverage types

About Your Benefits Enrollment

NEW carrier options for 2024-2025! Dental and Vision plans are being offered through Principal, resulting in lower cost and broader network coverage. Disability, Accident, Critical Illness and Hospital Confinement are moving to Combined Insurance, resulting in cost savings. Cancer and Life Insurance continue to be offered through Colonial Life.

Scheduling your enrollment is EASY! Just click the box below, submit your information and a Benefits Counselor will work with you 1-to-1 to answer any questions and help guide you in your enrollment.

Benefits Guide

Policy Brochures

Helpful Tips

Find a Dental Provider – Principal PPO

Find a Vision Provider – VSP

How to Save on Prescription Drugs

Benefits Videos

Dental / Vision
Medical Bridge
Critical Illness

Bienvenido al sitio web de beneficios para empleados de My First Academy , con la tecnología de The Meehan Agency . Trabajar con My First Academy le brinda acceso a un portafolio de beneficios completo que incluye todas las coberturas tradicionales de beneficios para empleados voluntarios. Simplemente revise la información en esta página web y haga clic en el botón del tiempo deseado para hablar con un Consejero de Beneficios. Nuestros asesores de beneficios están listos para comunicar, educar y explicar sus opciones de cobertura. Ellos revisarán sus necesidades individuales y lo ayudarán a crear un plan de beneficios personalizado.

Hay varios métodos disponibles para que revise los beneficios que se le ofrecen a usted y a su familia:

  • Guía de beneficios : proporcionan una descripción general de las opciones de cobertura disponible
  • Folletos específicos de políticas : brinda una visión más detallada de cada tipo de política
  • Videos : brindan información general sobre los tipos de coberturas

Acerca de sus beneficios

If you have questions or need help, please call our offices and someone will be happy to help you in person.

Troy Fox

